Porras Nance Engineering founded as Porras Engineering in 1981, is a Laredo based civil engineering and surveying firm with over thirty years of experience in the Laredo Area. Porras Nance Engineering offers a wide variety of services including residential and commercial developments, master planning, platting, feasibility studies, preparation of plans, specifications, bid packages and construction management as well as comprehensive municipal civil design services. Our in-house survey team is equipped to provide GPS and Total Station Surveys with minimal notice.
Porras Nance Engineering is designated as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) through the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP) and is certified as an ESBE/HABE/MBE/SBE/WBE under the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA) certification program. We are certified as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) by the State of Texas. We are also precertified to provide engineering and survey services for the Texas Department of Transportation.

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